How To Protect Yourself

How To Protect Yourself

Internet is now the most common thing in our life but we may fall victim to some hackers which can steal our valuable information
Here are some Tips to safeguard against hacks:-


Install and keep up-to-date antivirus program on your computer. However do not fall prey to a false sense of security. Just because you have an antivirus program installed does not mean you are fully protected as certain malicious programs can by-pass antivirus scanners.


Install a firewall on your system. Configure it properly so that it blocks all incoming and outgoing connections unless authorized by you.

Firewall Logs:-

Frequently check firewall logs access attempts from outside or local programs trying to access the internet. Probe any access attempts


Never open email attachments from unknown senders no matter how tempted you may be. It is possible to trick someone into executing a Torjan server while packaging as a video An attachment from a friend does not necessarily mean that it would be safe. The friend may have infected his own system and forwarded you Torjan server guised as a tempting video or game.

Stay Alert:-

Just because you find a USB stick lying across the office does not mean you let curiosity get the better of you. Do not insert it into your computer. Spy softwares like Finfisher can be installed on a system simply by inserting a USB stick into the system

Use Officials:-

Only install windows or other updates through the official/authentic medium or through its updater. Never execute attachments supposedly received in email from Microsoft or any other sender.

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